patch - mysql double datatype

while porting some parts of our java-based plattform to rails i encounter some problems while using migrations and db:schema:dump. the database schema uses several "double" column types which are not supported natively in activerecord ... as far as i know ... and i cannot change the database schema.

from some blogs i know that "t.float :mycolumn :limit => 53" results in a generated column of type double.

this solved 50% of my problem, but running a "rake db:schema:dump" ignores the "limit 53" which will generate an invalid schema on next run of "rake db:schema:load".

i think if found the relevant part in the mysql_adapter.rb to patch this, but it would be great if some more experienced rails people could confirm this.

regards jan

*** mysql_adapter.orig.rb 2009-01-19 12:09:58.000000000 +0100 --- mysql_adapter.rb 2009-01-19 11:59:18.000000000 +0100