passing params between controller methods

Hi all

I'd like to call some controller methods from other controller methods after first modifying the params hash.

Class MyController < ApplicationController   def quirky_method       if condtion          do_stuff      else         params.merge "some_key" => "here is some new data"         another_controller_method   end end

the problem ive got is that the new data in the hash isn't available inside 'another_controller_method'. i've also tried 'self.params' and '@params', but doesnt seem to work -whats the best way to approach this? thx glenn

The reason the params aren't updated is that #merge is not a destructive method. It returns a new Hash which you're just throwing away (not referencing or assigning to a variable).

There is a destructive version, #merge!, which does what you want. Just add the exclamation point, and you'll get what you're expecting.

But, I think what you should probably do is make another_controller_method accept the parameters it's expecting as explicit arguments and call it like that. Munging params is bound to lead to some messes later on.


The reason the params aren't updated is that #merge is not a destructive method. It returns a new Hash which you're just throwing away (not referencing or assigning to a variable).

There is a destructive version, #merge!, which does what you want. Just add the exclamation point, and you'll get what you're expecting.

ok - a vital detail - thanks chad - dangers of learning a language along with a toolkit implimented in it

But, I think what you should probably do is make another_controller_method accept the parameters it's expecting as explicit arguments and call it like that. Munging params is bound to lead to some messes later on.

good advice - thanks, what i ended up doing in end

thanks again chad glenn