passing lambda when expecting an enumerable

Here are two methods defined in the Proc class, designed to be used for functional programming:

  def apply(enum) &self   end   alias | apply

  def reduce(enum)     enum.inject &self   end   alias <= reduce

Here's an application of them:

sum = lambda {|x,y| x+y } mean = (sum<=a)/a.size deviation = lambda {|x| x-mean } square = lambda {|x| x*x } standardDeviation = Math.sqrt((sum<=square|(deviation|a))/(a.size-1))

This excerpt is taken from "The Ruby Programming Language".

Here's the thing. In the last line of the above code it uses "sum<=square". That reduce method expects an enumerable as an argument. And instead it is being sent a lambda held in square variable. This should fail because the inject method does not exist on the lambda. It exists on arrays, and other enumerable types. So what am I missing here?

ok I see what it;s doing. Its first calculating this part:


to check how far the elements deviate from the mean and returns an array of the differences.

Then what happens next is that the square| is invoked on the returned array from above:


So it squares the result set, which returns an array of the deviation_returned_array squared. THen we invoke reduce passing squared_deviation_returned_array enumerable to the sum proc, which just totals the result set:


And then divide by (a.size-1) and take the square root of it.

So I guess the lesson here is not only do parentheses indicate priority in evaluating an expression, but the expressions next to the ones in parentheses are evaluated before starting to evaluate from left to right.