Preface - I’ve had a number of posts regarding my bigger issue but trying to break it down into smaller parts.
Here is what I’m not understanding regarding REST - why I’m having a hard time passing an instance variable to another action.
First I added another resource into my routes.
map.resources :searches, :collection => {:userchoices => :get}
In the userchoices I hard coded some conditions on the find(:all). I want to make it dynamic though based on the users choice
which is getting saved in the create function as @search =
After the save I have { redirect_to userchoices_searches_url(@search)}
but no luck in getting the @search params over to the userchoices actions.
I guess my real question here is why ? and is there anything I could do to change it.
Hi --
Preface - I've had a number of posts regarding my bigger issue but trying to
break it down into smaller parts.
Here is what I'm not understanding regarding REST - why I'm having a hard
time passing an instance variable to another action.
First I added another resource into my routes.
map.resources :searches, :collection => {:userchoices => :get}
In the userchoices I hard coded some conditions on the find(:all). I want
to make it dynamic though based on the users choice
which is getting saved in the create function as @search =
After the save I have { redirect_to userchoices_searches_url(@search)}
but no luck in getting the @search params over to the userchoices actions.
I guess my real question here is why ? and is there anything I could do to
change it.
This isn't a REST-related thing; it's true for all actions. A new
action, which includes a redirect, starts with a new instance of the
controller, which means that its instance variables are not
It's like doing this:
class C
def an_action
@x = 1
def other_action
puts @x
end # nil, not 1
They're two different instances of C, so they don't share instance
variables. That's what's happening with your controller: it's being
instantiated (, or equivalent) once for each action.
A common technique is to store the id of the result in the session,
and then retrieve it on the next action.
The session sounds like a good way to go. I understand the explanation BUT then
if I’m going from the create action to the show action
{ redirect_to search_url(@search)}
that seems to work fine with the id carried over. So how does that get explained ?