passing blocks to partials

Hi I've got following problem:

I am attempting to write helper that will display table (stored in partial) with some custom last column contents.

I would like to call it like

<% parametrized_users_list(@users) do |user| %>   <%= %> <%= user.created_at %>   <% end %>

where and user.created_at would be that custom last column content

What I did was I've created helper

  def parametrized_users_list(users, options = {}, &block)         concat( render(:partial => 'users/users_list', :locals => options.merge(:users => users, :optionals => block)) )   end

and partial

<table>   <tr>     <th>Username</th>     <th>Email</th>     <th></th>   </tr>   <% users.each do |user| %>     <tr>      <td><%=h user.nickname %></td>      <td><%=h %></td>      <td><%= %></td>     </tr>   <% end %> </table>

... but as I render it, it results in a lot of trash - whole table is rerendered within itself several times etc... What did I do wrong? How can I store this erb to later render it in partial with correct context (user in this case)...


I've changed      <td><%= %></td> to      <td><%= with_output_buffer {} %></td>

and now it works.... Probably if I knew how to pass params (user) to capture helper, I could use that instead