Passing Arguments to an Action

I have spent a fair amount of time searching to find information on how one would pass arguments to an action (presumably some sort of URL appendage). It would seem to me that that would be something that would be done quite frequently. Judging from the extremely small amount of information that I recovered, I think that I again must be bucking the Rails way of doing things. So, the question is: If passing arguments to an action is something that is frequently done in Rails, how does one do it? It that isn't the case because I am missing something, could someone please clue me in on what I'm missing.

Thanks for any input.

       ... doug

I have spent a fair amount of time searching to find information on how one would pass arguments to an action (presumably some sort of URL appendage). It would seem to me that that would be something that would be done quite frequently. Judging from the extremely small

You can do <%= link_to "Pass some arguments",:controller=>"mycontroller",:action=>"myaction",:id=>35,:colour=>"green",:flavour=>"orange" %>

This will use config/routes.rb to figure out how to structure the actual URL. If you haven't customised it, you'll get /controller/ myaction/35?colour=green&flavour=orange.


Maybe you could integrate a small solution on how to use those arguments later on?

Maybe you could integrate a small solution on how to use those arguments later on?

Sorry, I should've mentioned - the values will be accessible in the 'params' hash:

params[:id] == 35 params[:colour] == "green" params[:flavour] == "orange"
