Rails 3.1.3
I'm trying to pass a value to 'save.js.erb' .
in the view, I have put
<%= hidden_field_tag "video-id", @video.id, { :id => "video-id" } %>
then, I can retrieve it by
var idval = $('#video-id').val();
It certainly gets the value.
The problem is then I need to pass it to the following. I tried,
$('#listtrans').html('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => "videos/script_list", :locals => { :scripts => Script.find_all_by_video_id( idval ) } ) %>'); //<= idval
this does not work.
$('#listtrans').html('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => "videos/script_list", :locals => { :scripts => Script.find_all_by_video_id(' + idval + ') } ) %>');
does not work either because of escape_javascript.
This seems simple, but I can't figure it out.
Could anyone help me out?