Paperclip Plugin - Routing Error?


I am using the plugin "paperclip", this is my second time using it, the first time, I had no issues...

This time, I added paperclip onto my model, no issues until I tried to render the images I uploaded. I see this in the development.log:

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/avatars/2/original/ DSCN2149.JPG" with {:method=>:get}):

I didn't have to add an special routing in my first effort with this plugin, so why am I getting this error? I am using the map.resources :my_model in routes.rb

In the views, the images don't appear, only as text (name of the file), however the source looks good to me:

<img alt="Dscn2149" height="150" src="/avatars/2/original/ DSCN2149.JPG? 1227851046" width="200" />

Sorry, I'm sure this is obvious, and thanks in advance for your help!