paperclip model fails while when updating with no attachment

Hi all,

I have paperclip running in my rails environment. I setup a new model just for paperclip called Assets so that I could upload multiple files per item (even though I'm only using 1 attachment per item at the moment). Everything works except for the following:

Updating an item record with no attachment in the form but having PREVIOUSLY attached an asset while creating or updating. The only way that this works is if I create an item with no attachment and update the same item record with no attachment OR if I created an item record with no attachment and then update the same item record with an attachment.

Basically - Once an asset has been attached to an item record, updating with no attachment yields the following error:

"ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ItemsController#update

Validation failed: Attachment file name can't be blank, Attachment file size can't be blank"

There are validation errors from the Assets Model for the presence of :attachment_file_name and :attachment_file_size.

I have the below code in my item model:

[code] after_save create_or_update_assets!

  def create_or_update_assets!     # return if there are no asset_attributes     return true if asset_attributes.nil? || asset_attributes.empty?

    # pull the attributes from the instance variable     asset_attributes.each do |attributes_hash|       attributes_hash.symbolize_keys!

      # if atts_hash has an id (asset already exists). If there's no id then this is a new asset.       asset = attributes_hash[:id].blank? ? : assets.detect { |product| == attributes_hash[:id].to_i }

      asset.attachment = attributes_hash[:attachment] # adds the attributes to the asset! # saves the asset     end   end [/code]

my view model looks like this:

[code] <%- for asset in @item.assets do -%>   <% f.fields_for("asset_attributes", asset) do |asset_fields| %>     <p>       <%= asset_fields.label :attachment, "File" %><br />       <%= asset_fields.file_field :attachment, :index => nil %><br />       <%= asset_fields.hidden_field :id, :index => nil unless( asset.new_record? ) %>     </p>   <%- end -%> <%- end -%> [/code]

I'm positive this has to be a lack of some extra checking in my create_or_update_assets! method. Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Please let me know if you need any extra info to help solve this.

Many thanks, Tony

Ooops... I copied the older file's create_or_update_assets! method

Just replace "product(s)" with "item(s)". Sorry about that!
