pagination not keeping search params??


I did the same and its working

Hello, you can try also overwrite parameter :page, like this: Link to the first page: link_to image_tag("/images/first_page.gif", :border => 0, :title => "Navigate to the first page"), {:overwrite_params => {:page => @pages.first}} if (@pages.current.number != 1) Previous page: link_to image_tag("/images/previous_page.gif", :border => 0, :title => "Navigate to the previous page"), {:overwrite_params => {:page => @pages.current.previous}} if @pages.current.previous Pages with number: pagination_links(@pages, {:window_size => @window_size, :always_show_anchors => false, :params => @params}) Next page: link_to image_tag("/images/next_page.gif", :border => 0, :title => "Navigate to the next page"), {:overwrite_params => {:page =>}} if Last Page: link_to image_tag("/images/last_page.gif", :border => 0, :title => "Navigate to the last page"), {:overwrite_params => {:page => @pages.last}} if (@pages.current.number != @pages.last.number) Best Regards, Sergey.