Pagination issue

Hi guys! I am using will_paginate in my rails application. I want to merge these 2 lines in one:

    @cat_products1 = Product.find(:all, :conditions => {:category_id => params[:id]})     @cat_products2 = Product.paginate(:per_page => 5, :page => params [:page],                                  :conditions => ['title like ?' , "%# {params[:search]}%"],                                  :order => 'title')

I want to paginate using the condition category_id=>params[:id]

Any sollutions??? Thank u!

Kostas L.

Can't you just include the category_id in the conditions for the paginate call? Or am I missing something?


I do this but i get a systax error. Maybe i'm doing something wrong. I wrote this:

@cat_products = Product.paginate(:per_page => 5, :page => params [:page],                                  :conditions => {['title like ?' , "%# {params[:search]}%"], :category_id => params[:id]},                                  :order => 'title')

Any ideas??? Thanx

@cat_products = Product.paginate(:per_page => 5, :page => params [:page], :conditions => {['title like ?' , "%# {params[:search]}%"], :category_id => params[:id]}, :order => 'title')

You're mixing 2 styles of defining conditions here. You should be able to do this:

Product.paginate(:per_page => 5,                          :page => params[:page],                          :conditions => ["title LIKE ?", "%#{params [:search]}%", params[:id]],                          :order => 'title')

The :conditions array accepts either a string with ? placeholders followed by parameters in a list: ["title = ? AND name = ?, arg1, arg2]

or a string with symbol placeholders followed by a hash: ["title = :title AND name = :name", {:title => "foo", :name => "bar"}]

Hope that explains it and helps.


@cat_products = Product.paginate(:per_page => 5, :page => params [:page], :conditions => {['title like ?' , "%# {params[:search]}%"], :category_id => params[:id]}, :order => 'title')

You're mixing 2 styles of defining conditions here. You should be able to do this:

Product.paginate(:per_page => 5, :page => params[:page], :conditions => ["title LIKE ?", "%#{params [:search]}%", params[:id]],

Should that be :conditions => ["title LIKE ? AND category_id = ?", "%#{params

[:search]}%", params[:id]],


Should that be :conditions => ["title LIKE ? AND category_id = ?", "%#{params[:search]}%", params[:id]],

Yeah :0)
