I only have the <%= @calls %> to see what is in the @calls variable
to see if it is available to paginating_find but it isn't. The
each.do loop gives links to all the current_user's calls but I get no
paginating. I would like 4 per page. If I change the loop to
@calls.each do I get calls for all the users which is not what I want
and if I change the paginating_links to
paginating_links(@current_user.calls) I get the following error
undefined method `page' for #<Class:0x251dacc>
Extracted source (around line #16):
13: <% end %>
14: </ol>
15: <%= @calls %>
16: <%= paginating_links(@current_user.calls) %>
So my paginating_links is getting nothing to paginate from what I can
see althoug it doew list pages 1 and 2 as links
Any help out there please
Thank you so much for your reply Alexkwolf. Thants how I see it also
When I change the line before <%=
paginating_links(@current_users.calls) %>
to <%= @current_user.calls %> just to see what is in the variable i
get the following
and it gave me only the 10 calls associated with the current_user so I
have to try a few more things
and I want to have a previous link and a next link so I don't have to
click on the page numbers.
So thanks for the interest and help and thanks to alex wolf for the
plug in for paginating_links that works for me