Paginate with acts_as_taggable_on_steroids

How can I do that? I have downloaded will_paginate but seems it wont work together.

I tried this approach: options=Post.find_options_for_find_tagged_with("en, news").merge(:page=>1) posts=Post.paginate(options)

but this gives me MySQL Statement Error. Any well packaged solution or I have to really hack into details on this one?


I've just done a test in the console and you just use

paginate_tagged_with('tag1','tag2',:page => 1)

to return paginated find_by_tag. will_paginate creates new paginating finders based on the find methods in the model.

e.g in controller. @posts = Post.paginate_tagged_with('en','news', :page => params[:page])

in view: <%= will_paginate(@posts) %>

Hope that works for you.

goodwill wrote:

It doesnt work, the function said no find_all_tagged_with function exist. I am using acts_as_taggable_steroids by the way (not the DHH acts_as_taggable, though the author said its based on that).

I haven't tried this yet, but check out:

it looks like a solution for how to get will_paginate and acts_as_taggable_on_steriods to work together