Overly aggressive constant unloading of Rails 3.0

In Rails 3.0 (both RC and edge), any constant that’s defined while loading a file in development mode will get unloaded on each request, regardless of whether it comes from an autoload path in the application or from external code such as a gem.

Example file (tested on a fresh edge app):


require ‘nibbler/json’ # “nibbler” is a gem specified in Gemfile

module Kittens



This file can be either in “app/models/” or in “lib/”. Regardless of whether it was autoloaded or required, Rails will unload both Kittens and NibblerJSON modules regardless of the fact the latter comes from an external source (the “nibbler” gem). Additionally, if “kittens.rb” was required from “lib/” directory, Rails will never reload it, which might be a bug by itself.

There’s been a confusing amount of changes and reverts to autoloading/eager loading nature of the “lib” directory in Rails 3.0. I don’t know where we stand anymore, so I’m asking here in hope to get some insight.

The fact lib is no longer autoloaded is not the issue here, it just exposed the real issue since you need to require files manually.

In fact, you could reproduce this bug by even requiring open-uri:

    require "open-uri"

    class User < ActiveRecord::Base       OpenURI     end

Nonetheless, I believe Yehuda fixed it in recent commits. :slight_smile:

About lib being autoloaded or not, it won't be autoloaded because autoloading is not thread safe. The only way to make autoloading lib threadsafe is if we eagerload *everything* inside lib when the server starts, but this can easily lead to confusion and pain since people are used to put generators and code specific to environments inside lib, causing production to load development or test only specific code.

That said, in Rails 3 you will need to require code in lib manually. Gems in Rails 2.3 were also allowed to autoload all the code in lib and we completely removed that in 3.0. We pretend to remove autoloading code from lib in plugins in 3.1 as well. We will only autoload code in app/.

Out of curiosity, why is loading the contents of app threadsafe but not lib? Is it simply a question of the kinds of stuff people tend to put in lib?

it's not for thread-safety reasons: https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/5218-rails-3-rc-does-not-autoload-from-lib

and my two cents: I think there really should be a standard folder in any Rails app (convention over configuration anyone?) which is autoloaded (and reloaded in dev mode) where I can put shared or abstracted code. Maybe app/lib (if lib causes problems)?

I think there really should be a standard folder in any Rails app (convention over configuration anyone?) which is autoloaded (and reloaded in dev mode) where I can put shared or abstracted code. Maybe app/lib (if lib causes problems)?

Isn't it like it should be working already?

Jose: I can’t see a fix in 3-0-stable. I’ll test on master. Is there a lighthouse ticket for this? Is it definitely fixed?

It is assumed that it is fine to preload everything in app/models etc because it is happening in 2.3 in production mode. It is even done in a multiprocess setup so that eg passenger + ree can perform better due to COW.

But as José mentioned you throw generators in lib and other assorted stuff Rails just can't blindly execute. It has been long pondered, but it seems it is the only sensible solution albeit it becomes an important item in your migration checklist.

BTW, config.autoload_paths means just that, it does not trigger eager loading as of this writing. So a temporary (?!) easy way to mark that item done in a multiprocess setup is to add lib to config.autoload_paths.