koloa wrote:
hi, oad photo option down by one, so the user can upload additional photos.
the problem with this is that the user has not submitted the recipe yet. but i guess i can get around this by associating each uploaded photo with a form recipe ID. but if the user decides to cancel the recipe, i may need to add a cleanup for the photo that was uploaded? would this be worth pursueing, or maybe it would just be easier that in each user account, i can just give the user a gallery section where they can upload photos one by one under each recipe?. what would be the best solution for this?
I prefer to save the main record first and then get the user to upload the pictures one by one. What you showed in the picture you posted to the list will also work. IMO, this is a good design if the user *must* submit at least one picture. Your style makes it easy to add that.
On the other hand, if I allow them to upload multiple pictures, I would usually get the main record in first. Then, when I display the main recipe, I would give them links to: [Edit this record] | [Add pictures] ... and so on. The link to add pictures would include the parent ID that would be stored in a hidden field and posted back from the form that allowed them to upload the picture.
Cheers Mohit.