oracle legacy database with ISO-8859-1


I ve got a legacy oracle database in ISO-8859-1 encoding, which is in use by other applications as well.

Now, I would like to add a rails app for new features. Rails is using unicode so special characters are stored incorrectly in the database.

Does anybody know how I might fix that. I ve already told my controllers to use that charset, but my models still store these values as utf8 and that goes directly into the database. :frowning:

Converting the whole database to unicode is not an option due to the other legacy apps.

Hope anybody can help me.

thanks a lot in advance.

hello, you should change kcode in your environment.rb : $KCODE = 'NONE' to specify ruby interpreter you don't use utf-8. and check "encoding" parameter in database.yml.

Please do post back to tell us if Jean-Sebestien’s suggestions work. If not, for my non-rails apps, I set the NLS_LANG variable in the environment to the character set of the database before starting the web server. This might or might not help.


Unfortuently, setting the KCODE to NONE did not fix my problem. The strings are still stored with unicode settings in my database. I ve set the encoding in database.yml, however, so far I ve read nowhere that the oci adapter supports that argument.

Im not sure if I understood that NLS_LANG suggestion... However, I can assure you that I have no control at all over the other systems... :frowning:

Anyone else with an idea... Maybe somebody knows about a plugin which converts between charsets during write/read operations to the database???

sorry, i thought it could work with it (it does with postgres and mysql). i just find an article about using oracle with rails, i hope it could help you: Ruby on Rails with Oracle – /bin/recykl


setting ENV['NLS_LANG']='GERMAN_GERMANY.UTF8' in my environment file fixed my issues.

Thanks a lot.