options_for_select and setting css class values


i'm not sure if this is possible using erb (at the very least, I can't figure it out by googling or via searching this board), so here goes...

i'm using erb to make a select box with several hundred <option> values

it looks something like this:

<%= select_tag 'controls', options_for_select(@controls.map {|cpd| ["#{cpd.compound_name}.....#{cpd.trimmed_number}"]}), {:class => 'superwide', :size => 20} %>

the above code works great...except for 1 thing. i'd like to cycle the color of every other <option> tag using css.

obviously, i'd like to use the 'cycle' function, but how/where do i get options_for_select to accept a value for a css-class? e.g. :class => 'blue_text'

i'm not even sure if this is possible....