odd behavior with acts_as_authenticated

following the instructions on Peak Obsession

I got it all working, except I can't see how to make my currently logged in user's info appear on the /account/index page.

I replaced the poem that comes default from the generator in /account/ index.rhtml with:

<h1>User home page.</h1>

<% if logged_in? %>   you are logged in   <br>   your email: <% current_user.email %>   <br>     your login: <% current_user.login %>   <% else %>    you are not logged in   <% end %>

This WORKS to show me if the user is logged in or now (so I guess the logged_in? is ok), but for some reason <% current_user.email %> and <% current_user.login %> both come out blank even though I can see data in the database for the currently logged in user.

Maybe I got the syntax wrong or something? Wondering how to make this work. thanks.

This WORKS to show me if the user is logged in or now (so I guess the logged_in? is ok), but for some reason <% current_user.email %> and <% current_user.login %> both come out blank even though I can see data in the database for the currently logged in user.

Maybe I got the syntax wrong or something? Wondering how to make this work. thanks.

Use <%= if you want to actually output the data. This has nothing to do with acts_as_authenticated.