Observe field with jquery in Rails 3.1

I tries to observe a change in a field with jquery in Rails 3.1 in order to be able to implement two cascading select boxes. A a first step I just try to observe a click in a div using jquery I have the following function in a .js file that is loadedin the head section (fieldset is the id of a div) and is displaying a view with the div fieldset

$(document).ready(function() { $('#fieldset').bind({   click: function() {   alert('Change');     // do something on click   },   mouseenter: function() {     // do something on mouseenter   }; }); }); But nothing happens when I click in the field I suspect that I am using jquery in the wrong way I would appriciate any advice ! Hans

Hi Hans,

Hans Marmolin wrote in post #1040373:

$(document).ready(function() { $('#fieldset').bind({   click: function() {   alert('Change');     // do something on click   },   mouseenter: function() {     // do something on mouseenter   }; }); }); But nothing happens when I click in the field I suspect that I am using jquery in the wrong way I would appriciate any advice ! Hans

I'd first try a simpler case just to make sure everything is "wired up" correctly:

$(function() {   $('#fieldset').click(function() { alert{"Clicked"); }); });

If this works then you know you're finding the right HTML element and correctly binding a "click." Once you've confirmed this then try the more complex bind syntax.

P.S. I used the shorthand for waiting for the DOM ready event for simplification & demonstration.

Robert Walker wrote in post #1040404:

$(function() {   $('#fieldset').click(function() { alert("Clicked"); }); });

If this works then you know you're finding the right HTML element and correctly binding a "click." Once you've confirmed this then try the more complex bind syntax.

If you're using jQuery 1.7+ you might also want to consider using the new .on()/.off() methods for binding events.


Thanks for your advices

Your advices convinced me that the error was some minor typo or some other detail That was also true The problem is { alert("Clicked"); }) when I changed that to alert("Clicked"); and put everything with a ready function it worked I am now trying more complex change functions that also seems to work

I have tried on and off and might use them