Andy Koch schrieb:
I'm having trouble with observe_field and radio buttons. The issue is
the observe_field action only fires the first time, subsequent clicks on
radio buttons do nothing.
I've seen others post on this issue, but have not found any solutions.
from view...
<label><%= radio_button_tag('types', 'p5p', (params[:dbinfo] ||= true))
<label><%= radio_button_tag('types', 'p5i', false) %>P5I</label>
<%= observe_field(:types_p5p,
:udpate => 'categories',
:url => {:action => 'update_module_categories'},
:with => "'types=' + encodeURIComponent(value)",
:on => 'click' ) %>
<%= observe_field(:types_p5i,
:udpate => 'categories',
:url => {:action => 'update_module_categories'},
:with => "'types=' + encodeURIComponent(value)",
:on => 'click' ) %>
This works the first time I click one of the radios, but never again.
Any ideas?
Andy Koch
In proper fashion I've solved my own problem. To save the next person
from following yet another fruitless thread I'll post it. However, this
comes with a caveat that I don't think this is a "best practices"
solution. It does work, nonetheless.
Instead of using observe_field, which I'm concluding does not work
properly with radio buttons; till someone tells me otherwise, I've
embedded the AJAX call into the radio.
Code being better than talk:
<label><%= radio_button_tag('types', 'p5p', (params[:dbinfo] ||= true),
{:onclick => "{new
{asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:'types=' +
encodeURIComponent(value)})}"}) %>P5P</label>
<label><%= radio_button_tag('types', 'p5i', false, {:onclick => "{new
{asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:'types=' +
encodeURIComponent(value)})}"}) %>P5I</label>
Thus, I first generated the AJAX code via the observe_field method.
Then I copied out the relevant portions from the HTML source code and
pasted into the 'onclick' option of the radio button. Then deleted the
observe_field from the rhtml as it was now dead code.
It may not be pretty, but I can move to the next problem.