Hi there!
I need to use observe field to change dynamically one select field based on another select field:
here is the view:
<%= observe_field 'class', :url => { :action => 'update_list' }, :frequency => 0.25, :update => 'nickname', :with => 'tipid' %>
Class:<select name="<%= "#{name}[#{name}_class]" %>" id="class"> <%= options_from_collection_for_select(Tiprod.find(:all), "id","name", {:include_blank => true}) %> </select> Name:<select name="<%= "#{name}[#{name}_data]" %>" id="nickname"> <option></option> </select>
here is the controller
def update_list @tipid = params[:tipid] @products = Specprod.find(:all, :conditions => ['tiprif LIKE ?', "%{@tipid}%"]) end
and here is the update_list.rhtml
<% for product in @products%> <option value="<%= product.id %>"><%= product.name%></option> <% end %>
inspired by:http://nealenssle.com/blog/2007/04/12/how-to-dynamically-update-form-…
The observe_field helper just produces some javascript that does stuff to the element with id class
You've got the call to observe_field before your select element, ie it's trying to observe something that doesn't exist yet.