Nothing raised in functional test if exception is recued in controller?

Hi, I'm puzzled why my functional tests are failing. I have the following test:     assert_raise ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do       post :create, :page_id => id_from_fixture, :body => "bla bla"     end     assert_redirected_to my_error_path

In my controller, I am catching the error:     def create       begin         @page = current_user.pages.find(params[:page_id])         do_some_stuff       rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid          redirect_to my_error_path        end     end

When I run the test, it fails on the grounds that 'nothing was raised'. But I know for sure that the error was raised, because when I remove the assert_raise test and just check the redirect, the test passes.

Is it because I already rescue in the controller that the assertion doesn't see the error anymore?

A mistake in the above example: I'm checking ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound of course (I have actually more rescue clauses, including the ActiveRecord:RecordInvalid one).

Anyway, the test is failing regardless which rescue clause I enter.

You have handled the RecordInvalid exception in the controller itself. Once you have handled the exception you cannot test it using assert_raise

Ex below:

Ganesh, Thanks for the explanation. I thought it might be related to me handling the exception in the controller.

But if I don't handle it in the controller, how do I handle it? In the example you give, the controller just throws the exception and it never gets handled by my application, right.

My guess would be to make a special exception handler in the application controller? But which method do I need to override to make my own rescue handler? I'm only familiar with the begin/rescue construct and I must say the books and documentation I have used up to now are very succinct on exception handling. Always a weak point I find, where error handling is actually the most important thing!
