Not seeing error message from validates_format_of

Hi all any help at all on this is much appreciated.

Code is below:

I have a module with the standard Validate for email format and several validates in it. I have a form with the f.error.messages in it. I submit the form to the update method in the controller then reload the page with the data if there is an error. Validation is working, but error message does not display on reload of the page. Below I actually had to compare to the error message in the errors object and flash notice the error to see it on reload of the page. Can anyone tell how to get the error message to display without the flash notice on the update?

Module: validates_format_of :email_add, :with => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i, :on => :update, :message => "Email must be in the format of"

Form: %div - form_for @person, :url => {:action => "update" }, :html => {:id =>"aform2"} do |f|   = f.error_messages   %p     = f.label "Email Address"     %br     = f.text_field :email_add

  = hidden_field_tag 'commit'

Controller: def update

    # @person is loaded in before_filter     if @person.update_attributes(params[:person])       flash[:notice] = "Successfully updated person."       redirect_to @person     else

       if @person.errors[:email_add] == "Email must be in the format of"         flash[:notice] = @person.errors[:email_add]        end

      redirect_to :action => 'edit', :id => @person
