Not quite sure how to do this?

It's JavaScript (probably) and there are various ways to do it - I'd recomend checking out the Prototype library which makes this kind of thing easer. Using Prototype you might do something like

<div id='thisPanel'>this is some text</div> <a href="#" onClick="$('thisPanel').show(); return false;">show</a> <a href="#" onClick="$('thisPanel').hide(); return false;">hide</a>

Clicking the links will hide and show the 'thisPanel' div. Expanding and contracting is similarly achieved but really depends on the type of effect you want.


here's another way that's a bit more railsish:

<div id="description">   <%= description.truncate(100) %>   <%= link_to_function "(more)", f = update_page { |p| p.toggle("description"); p.toggle("description_more") } %> </div> <div id="description_more" style="display:none">   <%= description %>   <%= link_to_function "(less)", f %> </div>

This really isn't AJAX. It would be, if the "more" description was being pulled from the server on click.