Non-Image Upload

I'm new with Rails and I've been searching for a way to upload files using Rails. I've only found plug-ins and tutorials for images.

Do you know any website/plu-ing/etc that can help me with non-image file uploads?

Thanks, Gabriel.

I really like Paperclip. It's a great plugin, and Ryan Bates (of railscasts fame) has a great screencast on how to use it:

It'll do just about anything. In all the cases I've used it, it's "tied" to a model. For example, one place I use it is to upload PDF documents for inventory on our company's website. The model for said inventory has a series of Paperclip fields. This allows my non- technical people to update the database, and upload new manuals, all through an updater application I wrote for them to do it all with.

Alternatively, there's attachment_fu, which also works well. The main difference (as far as I can tell, somebody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) is that attachment_fu requires its own model for tracking files, whereas Paperclip does not.

So if you know you'll only have X file attachments on a model, go Paperclip. If you want as many attachments as possible for a model and don't care about dealing with a separate model for those attachments, go attachment_fu.