
Hi All,

I'm working on a tutorial and am already stumped on the very first question... I can't seem to figure it out. Here are the details:

Objective Find Zombie where id = 1 and store it in a variable

Resources zombies id name graveyard 1 Ash Glen Haven Memorial Cemetary 2 Bob Chapel Hill Cemetary 3 Jim My Fathers Basement

Here's what I've tried:

t = Zombie.find(1) x =

and here's the error I keep getting (or some similar variation):

Sorry, Try Again #<NoMethodError: undefined method `id' for "Ash":String>

I've tried a ton of different variations, but am obviously approaching the problem incorrectly. Can anyone help me out?

Thanks! Ryan

Try the "rails console" command on your shell then type "x = Zombie.find(1).name"

Thanks for the reply,

Unfortunately, the tutorial provides the console and it's expecting only a working answer.

x = Zombie.find(1).name

returns the same error I'm afraid.

Never mind, I'm an idiot. I assumed the objective was to get the zombie's name. All it was asking for was the entry in the db. The first line was sufficient..

Thanks for the help.