I'am not able to catch ActionController::NoMethodError so I can display a own error message site.
Can someone give me a peace of code to check it?
How do you catch such errors and ActiveRecord:..... error to display a own error message site?
I'am not able to catch ActionController::NoMethodError so I can display a own error message site.
Can someone give me a peace of code to check it?
How do you catch such errors and ActiveRecord:..... error to display a own error message site?
I'm not sure I understand you correctly (you state you're "not able" to catch Exceptions) but rescue_action/rescue_action_in_public was made exactly for this:
Rails 2.0 adds rescue_from to handle different exceptions with different handlers: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/Rescue/ClassMethods.html
Jochen Kaechelin schrieb:
Can you give me please a example how to display a own error page when a ActionController:NoMethodError occurs?