"no such file to load -- sqlite3" Rails

Robert Huberdeau wrote:

Ehtsham Abbas wrote:

M. Figueiroa wrote:

In my case I just downloaded the sqllite3.dll from the SQLite Download Page (This is a DLL of the SQLite library without the TCL bindings. The only external dependency is MSVCRT.DLL.) and then copied it to the Windows\System32 folder. It worked.

MY PROBLEM HAS BEEN RESOLVED ITS WORKING NOW.... im so very thankful to you Figueiro

For some reason this doesn't work for me. I moved the dll file into my Windows\System32 folder and I get the same error.

try downloading the precompiled files from: SQLite Download Page

in windows you will need the sqlite3.def, sqlite3.dll, sqlite3.exe. Save this files to the Ruby/bin directory, then use the 'gem install sqlite3-ruby' (you may get some definition error messages about the documentation but it shoud work anyways)

Check that you have gcc installed.

This error comes up if it is not installed, because of the method they use to check the existence of sqlite3.h: They simply try to compile this one-line program:

#include <sqlite3.h>

If the compilation fails, they tell you that sqlite3.h is missing, but the compilation will also fail if gcc is not present. It's not a very smart check...

Lisa Concli wrote in post #641008: