no route found to match - Routing Error on Dreamhost

I am really sorry to be asking this question, since I know it's been asked before many times (and I've been googling for it). And it's a basic problem which I wouldn't be asking for help for if I hadn't been put me at a standstill for the last two days.

Basically, I've started a RoR project on Dreamhost, and I can't even get a "Hello World" controller to work. Instead I get:

"no route found to match "/MyTest/" with {:method=>:get}" (I created a controller called MyTest to print "Hello World")

The page in error is:

To show that my installation works, here's the index welcome page:

The only instructions I've followed were the very basic ones on the Dreamhost wiki to get Rails working on a top-level of the subdomain:

I haven't done any other kind of special step, whether it be altering routes.db, the .htaccess file, etc (although I have done that with OTHER attempts at RoR installations, all having failed). So basically...what step am I missing besides running >rails MyProjectName and getting at least the WElcome page to show up?

Don't know what RoR version is being used specifically (they are in the middle of rolling out the newest version) but the subdomain is using FastCGI.

Here is what my .htaccess says:

# General Apache options AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI

RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA] RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.cgi [QSA,L]

# In case Rails experiences terminal errors # Instead of displaying this message you can supply a file here which will be rendered instead

you said, "(I created a controller called MyTest to print "Hello World") "

ok, so you must have a file called my_test_controller.rb in your 'app/ controllers' directory right? If so, you also need an 'action' and a corresponding 'view'. For example, put this in your my_test_controller.rb:

def test @greeting = 'Hello World' end

Then, create a file in your 'app/views/my_test' directory called test.rhtml. In there, just put this:

<%= @greeting %>

...and then visit to see the greeting.

scratch all that crap I just wrote. You just had your URL wrong. Look here =>


I created that controller as "MyTest" (following instructions from onlamp, which uses the address "MyTest" in its example)...did something change in recent versions of Rails where the address of a controller is meant to be in lowercase?

I guess that makes sense, though...seeing how the file itself is named "my_test_controller.rb"...thanks for the help, I knew it was a stupid and simple error I was making.

Hello all,

Im also getting the same "No route matches "/my_test" with {:method=>:get}" error. I have tried MyTest, My_Test, mytest, my_test but nothing works. Any help in this regard will be appreciated. The builtin webserver webrick is running but I cant get the MyTest application running. (I also followed the application creation process from OnLamp). Could you please also email me at

Regards, Haris Gulzar

I could solve the issue by restarting my Webrick server.

DC wrote:


I created that controller as "MyTest" (following instructions from onlamp, which uses the address "MyTest" in its example)...did something change in recent versions of Rails where the address of a controller is meant to be in lowercase?

Apparently so. Current practice is that URLs are in underscore_case . I thought it had always been this way; either I'm wrong or the tutorial is.

I guess that makes sense, though...seeing how the file itself is named "my_test_controller.rb"...thanks for the help, I knew it was a stupid and simple error I was making.


Would you mind providing your routes.rb config file?

Make sure controllers actions are not commented out map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'

DC wrote:

I'm a newbie to Ruby/Rails as well. When I tried 'my_test' in the URL (i.e. http://localhost:3000/my_test/index), and all permutations of it thereafter, I still kept getting the 'no route to found to match...' error. However, there is a configuration in the routes.rb file that will make these URLs work (apparently, since Rails 3, this is the configuration to put in). Just insert the below configuration anywhere in the routes.rb file

      match 'my_test/index' => 'my_test#index'

Restart Rails after this, and try the http://localhost:3000/my_test/index URL again. Hopefully, that should do it.

Good luck, G.