Nil is not a symbol error.

Hi all,

As part of a school project I need to set up an items collection which has categories and subcategories. I have used scaffolding to create these but when i edited the subcategory controller file by inserting this into the edit function: @category = Category.find_by_id(:all) and edited the model sub_category.rb to have the following line in it:

belongs_to :category

Now my problem is that when I now click the edit button it comes up with an error:

TypeError in Sub_categories#edit Showing ItemCollection/app/views/sub_categories/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:

nil is not a symbol Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%= form_for(@sub_category) do |f| %> 2: <% if @sub_category.errors.any? %> 3: <div id="error_explanation"> 4: <h2><%= pluralize(@sub_category.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this sub_category from being saved:</h2>

I even removed my changes to those files and the error still appears. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?

Hi all,

As part of a school project I need to set up an items collection which has categories and subcategories. I have used scaffolding to create these but when i edited the subcategory controller file by inserting this into the edit function: @category = Category.find_by_id(:all) and edited the model sub_category.rb to have the following line in it:

belongs_to :category

Now my problem is that when I now click the edit button it comes up with an error:

TypeError in Sub_categories#edit Showing ItemCollection/app/views/sub_categories/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:

nil is not a symbol Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%= form_for(@sub_category) do |f| %>

That suggests that @sub_category is nil. Is it?


Frederick Cheung wrote in post #1035546:

It's not being set to "SubCategory.find_by_id", it's being set to the result of the expression "SubCategory.find_by_id(:all)", which doesn't seem to me to be likely to return any records, as ":all" is a Symbol, and find_by_id would probably expect an integer ID or array of integers.

Michael Pavling wrote in post #1035550:

That was probably the problem since @sub_category was being set to SubCategory.find_by_id... so I will try and create it again and now just have it as one word to avoid confusion.

It's not being set to "SubCategory.find_by_id", it's being set to the result of the expression "SubCategory.find_by_id(:all)", which doesn't seem to me to be likely to return any records, as ":all" is a Symbol, and find_by_id would probably expect an integer ID or array of integers.

I re-scaffolded everything and now the class that used to be called sub_category is now just subcategory. The same error appears as in my first post. And the following is the inside of the edit function in the subcategories_controller:

@subcategory = Subcategory.find_by_id(params[:id]) @category = Category.find(:all)

the model file (subcategory.rb): class Subcategory < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :category end

Any advice?

Firstly, watch out for naming convention issues. "Category.find(:all)" is going to return an array of Category objects, so the instance variable they're assigned to should really be called "@categories" not "@category".

If you're still having problems, and you've been re-creating stuff, we're not going to glean anything from looking at your first post. Copy the error here again. It also tells you which file and line number the error is in, so please post the code from around that area too, so we can see exactly what your current situation is.

Thanks for your reply!

Well since the same problem arises with the Item object.. I will post the errors from there:

TypeError in Items#edit

Showing ItemCollection/app/views/items/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:

nil is not a symbol Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%= form_for(@item) do |f| %> 2: <% if @item.errors.any? %> 3: <div id="error_explanation"> 4: <h2><%= pluralize(@item.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this item from being saved:</h2>

From the controller file: def edit   @item = Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) end

The interesting thing is that show method works with the following code:   def show     @item = Item.find_by_id(params[:id])     respond_to do |format|       format.html # show.html.erb       format.json { render json: @item }     end   end

I tried adding the respond_to part to edit method and changed the show to edit but it still produces the same error.

Thanks for your reply!

Well since the same problem arises with the Item object.. I will post the errors from there:

TypeError in Items#edit

Showing ItemCollection/app/views/items/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised:

nil is not a symbol Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <%= form_for(@item) do |f| %>

So, at the risk of repeating myself, is @item nil?


Frederick Cheung wrote in post #1035564:

The question is not whether it should be but whether it is. Have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging to find out how to use ruby-debug to break into your code and inspect data and follow the flow. Then you can break in after @item is created you can have a look. You will also find other suggestions for debugging there.


riiiiight... but does one of have the id that you're selecting through params? :wink: If not, @item will be nil.

Try replacing :   @item = Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) wiht   @item = Item.find(params[:id]) find will raise an exception if it doesn't find a matching record.

Then have a look at how to do use the debugger in Rails to inspect your code as it runs.

Then have a look at how to do use the debugger in Rails to inspect your code as it runs.

Thanks a lot for everyone who has replied!

So I have started running the debugger and I get some weird results:

@item = Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) (rdb:2) @item nil (rdb:2) Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) #<Item id: 3, title: "Hello World!", location: "On the desk", comments: "***", created_at: "2011-12-07 11:43:03", updated_at: "2011-12-07 11:43 :03">

Anyone know why it isn't setting the result of Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) to the variable @item although i specifically tell it to do so:

@item = Item.find_by_id(params[:id])

Then have a look at how to do use the debugger in Rails to inspect your code as it runs.

Thanks a lot for everyone who has replied!

So I have started running the debugger and I get some weird results:

@item = Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) (rdb:2) @item nil (rdb:2) Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) #<Item id: 3, title: "Hello World!", location: "On the desk", comments: "***", created_at: "2011-12-07 11:43:03", updated_at: "2011-12-07 11:43 :03">

Anyone know why it isn't setting the result of Item.find_by_id(params[:id]) to the variable @item although i specifically tell it to do so:

@item = Item.find_by_id(params[:id])

The debugger isn't quite an irb prompt (although you can get one by typing irb if my memory is correct)
