nil? and blank?

Use the Source... (vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/blank.rb)

class Object #:nodoc:    # "", " ", nil, , and {} are blank    def blank?      if respond_to?(:empty?) && respond_to?(:strip)        empty? or strip.empty?      elsif respond_to?(:empty?)        empty?      else        !self      end    end end

class NilClass #:nodoc:    def blank?      true    end end

class FalseClass #:nodoc:    def blank?      true    end end

class TrueClass #:nodoc:    def blank?      false    end end

class Array #:nodoc:    alias_method :blank?, :empty? end

class Hash #:nodoc:    alias_method :blank?, :empty? end

class String #:nodoc:    def blank?      empty? || strip.empty?    end end

class Numeric #:nodoc:    def blank?      false    end end


Rob Biedenharn +1 513-295-4739 Skype: rob.biedenharn

Well, for my projects, I've started putting these kinds of things into a file in:


and I require them in my config/environment.rb like this:

Dir[File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'lib', 'ext', '*.rb')].each do |f|    base = File.basename(f, '.rb')    require "ext/#{base}" end

One project, for example, has files: active_record_compare.rb array.rb enumerable.rb file.rb integer.rb nil_class.rb range.rb string.rb web_agent.rb

And my nil_class.rb contains: class NilClass    # Allowing a chain like: value.nonblank? || 'default value'    def nonblank?      self    end    # so it plays nicely with Numeric#nonzero?    def nonzero?      self    end end

That should give you some ideas.


Rob Biedenharn

Makes sense. Thanks.

-- gw