Nifty_generators problem

Gemfile: gem 'nifty-generators'

Terminal Imac$ bundle install ... Using bundler (1.0.3) Using nifty-generators (0.4.2) {<=Installed} Using thor (0.14.3) Using railties (3.0.1) Using rails (3.0.1) Using sqlite3-ruby (1.3.2) Your bundle is complete! It was installed into /Imac/.rvm/gems/ ruby-1.9.2-p0

Imac$ rails g nifty_scaffold post title:string message:text new edit destroy Could not find generator nifty_scaffold.

Why I get this error

Try "rails g nifty:scaffold post ..."


Yes. WIth Rails3 on the way, the usual nifty-generators now work with a " : " instead of " _ ". So, nifty_layout becomes nifty:layout, so does with nifty:authentication and nifty:scaffold.