i want to return to_json with 'only' and also filtered.so i tried various ways, but none of them are really good:
A)#OK , but filter missing format.json { render :json => @project.to_json(:only => [:title ], :include=> { :tasks => {:only=>[:id,:title] } } ) }
B)#Not OK > filter does not work, format.json { render :json => @project.to_json(:only => [:title ], :include=> { :tasks => {:only=>[:id,:title] }, :conditions => ['tasks.is_enabled = ?', 1] } ) }
C) #Not OK > works, but cant use only/except format.json { render :json => @project.to_json(:only => [:title ], :method=> get_enabled_tasks ) }
def get_enabled_tasks tasks.where("is_enabled = ?", 1)
D)#OK, but json output not nice format.json { render :json => @project.to_json(:only => [:title ], :method=> get_enabled_tasks ) }
def get_enabled_tasks ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql)
"project":{"title":"testprojecttitle","get_enabled_tasks": [["tasktitle","user1","1.1.2011"]]}}
so, how can i get filtered associations in a to_json call so that i actually get goodlookin json?