Newbie question: Where do I update the CRUD statements (if they exist)?

I've added a foreign key to a table (specifically, user_Id to my projects table so I can select 'myprojects') and now when I add a project, the user_id is not being saved in the projects table. In a former life, I would update my SQL statements, but this is rails. Where do I update my CRUD statements?

Souschef wrote:

I've added a foreign key to a table (specifically, user_Id to my projects table so I can select 'myprojects') and now when I add a project, the user_id is not being saved in the projects table.

What errors are you getting?

In a former life, I would update my SQL statements, but this is rails. Where do I update my CRUD statements?

Wherever they are. What ActiveRecord call is causing problems? Find it and fix it.


Souschef wrote:

I've added a foreign key to a table (specifically, user_Id to my projects table so I can select 'myprojects') and now when I add a project, the user_id is not being saved in the projects table. In a former life, I would update my SQL statements, but this is rails. Where do I update my CRUD statements?

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Can you show us the code that is not working?

Make sure you have the relationship specified in your model so Rails knows it's there. so you should have

class Project < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :user end

so that you can do: :user => @user or :user_id => 12 and then after project.user #=> #<User:...> project.user_id #=> 12

I believe you will have to learn about associations (or relationships between tables, as another post has already noted). Look into 'belongs_to' and 'has_*' relationships (probably 'has_one' or 'has_many'). That will most likely teach you what you need.

Here are my models. I think the issue is how I have the user associated with the project. I recently integrated the authlogic plugin and associated the user to the project table (see below). I'm stumped because when I associated 'tasks' to 'projects', the foreign key for project was inserted into tasks. But for some reason now that I have 'users' associated with projects, the user_id is not inserted into the project table on a save when a user is logged in. Should I be associating 'projects' to the 'UserSession' instead (model also included below, but currently empty)? Or do I need to declare some sort of logic that saves user_id when a user is actually logged in? Thanks in advance for input!

--------------------Project model-------------------- class Project < ActiveRecord::Base   validates_presence_of :name

# allow ordering of tasks by step_number   has_many :tasks, :dependent => :destroy, :order => 'step_number ASC'   accepts_nested_attributes_for :tasks, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a.values.all?(&:blank?) }, :allow_destroy => true

  def task_attributes=(task_attributes)     task_attributes.each do |attributes|     end   end

  # Following statements tie Projects to users   belongs_to :user


--------------------User model-------------------- class User < ActiveRecord::Base   # following line commented out. Came from authlogic, but not sure   # what it means…   # attr_accessible :username, :email, :password

  # Added following line from railscast demo. Note:   #   # has an optional block for passing other config options, but didn’t   # go there for now…   acts_as_authentic

  has_many :projects end

------------------User Session model--------------- class UserSession < Authlogic::Session::Base end

When you create a project you can do:

@project = Project.find(params[:id]) @task = Task.create(params[:task]) @project.tasks << @task

or something similar. this will automatically out the user id I the project table for you.