I am creating a new record in my Elements table and that is pretty
straight forward. But I need to add an ID to the Elements table that
comes from another model - Pages. How can I create a record in the
Pages table and then use its ID to populate the Elements table?
I was trying something like this in the ElementsController:
def create
@page = Page.new(params[:page])
@element = Element.new(params[:element])
if @element.save
flash[:notice] = '{@element.type.capitalize} was successfully
flash[:inform] = true;
render :partial => show
I need to add an ID to the Elements table that
comes from another model - Pages. How can I create a record in the Pages table and then use its ID to populate the Elements table?
def create
@page = Page.new(params[:page])
@page.save # it won't have an id until it's saved
@element = Element.new(params[:element])
@element.page_id = @page.id
if @element.save
flash[:notice] = '{@element.type.capitalize} was successfully
flash[:inform] = true;
render :partial => show