newbie: handling a method error

Hi... I have 2 tables, connected with belongs_to and has_one and everything works ok until I get one entry in base where I dont have set id of belongs_to entry. How can I prevent it(except that that all entry has ids :slight_smile: or dont print anithing in view?

this is what I am talking about: I have customer and it has firm_id trable firm has id and name

so when I try to print I got error. Thank you

<%= if customer.firm %>

Or possibly better to provide a method, say firm_name, of Customer that tests self.firm and returns the name or nil or maybe a default string if that is what you want, then do

<%= customer.firm_name %>


FWIW, I found Avdi Grimm's e-book on this topic well worth the price:


FWIW, I found Avdi Grimm's e-book on this topic well worth the price:


thank you...I will look into to.. I resolve the issue like this: in my controller, I asked if firm_id==nil, and if it is nil, I assigned 0 value, witch is in my database described as "Not selected"...