I'm announcing the release of my first "real" Rails site to the general public.
<a href="http://www.too-many-secrets.com/">Too Many Secrets</a> [http://www.too-many-secrets.com/\] is a site for anonymous confessions and secrets. I tried to combine the best of bash.org, Cave Canum, and True Mom|Dad|Office Confessions into one site as an excuse to learn Rails (not that I needed an excuse).
If you would, please give it a shot and help spread the word. Even though almost everything is cached, I doubt we could stand up to a Digging or Slashdotting just yet, since we're on a shared host.
I am planning on having monthly contests offering Amazon gift certificates for the highest rated secret, but that's still a few revisions away.
Thanks to DHH and everyone in the Rails community for making software fun to write again, and to Dave Thomas for writing Agile Web Development with Rails.