New to Ruby on Rails Please Help!

I am new to Ruby on Rails. To tell you the truth I dont know much about it at all. I have been trying to read about it but I figured why dont I ask the experts directly! So I am reaching out to people that actually develop using Ruby to help me out. I know Ruby is becoming an extremely high demanding skill set. And as far as people with expert knowledge they seem to be far and few between.

So i guess my questions are pretty basic, but why exactly are companies and developers starting to use Ruby on Rails? Why is it better than the preceding technology? What makes it valuable to someone if they have a Ruby skill set? Why are jobs for Ruby developers popping up all over the job boards? How does Ruby actually work? What makes a good Ruby developer, should they have knowledge of other specific technologies that would make them a better Ruby developer? And of course I would love to hear about anything else you think would help me in any way.

Thank you to everyone contributing! I appreciate the help!

ScottyMar11 wrote in post #968437:

I am new to Ruby on Rails. To tell you the truth I dont know much about it at all. I have been trying to read about it but I figured why dont I ask the experts directly!

Well, it's usually best to ask only after having done research on your own. That makes the best use of everyone's time and puts you in a better position to understand the answers you get.

So I am reaching out to people that actually develop using Ruby to help me out. I know Ruby is becoming an extremely high demanding skill set. And as far as people with expert knowledge they seem to be far and few between.

There are lots of Ruby experts here. (And BTW, the correct phrase is "few and far between": few of them, and a long distance between them. :slight_smile: )

So i guess my questions are pretty basic, but why exactly are companies and developers starting to use Ruby on Rails? Why is it better than the preceding technology? What makes it valuable to someone if they have a Ruby skill set? Why are jobs for Ruby developers popping up all over the job boards? How does Ruby actually work? What makes a good Ruby developer, should they have knowledge of other specific technologies that would make them a better Ruby developer? And of course I would love to hear about anything else you think would help me in any way.

That's a huge number of questions to expect the community to answer right off the bat. Go build a simple application with Rails and you'll probably find out the answers to most of these

Thank you to everyone contributing! I appreciate the help!
