i recreated a test directory, and placed all the necessary files in the
replaced gem 'minitest' with
gem 'minitest-rails', '~> 0.1.0.alpha'
I replaced coz I was getting in error in the terminal which reads
Could not find generator mini_test:install
therefore, again, I replaced and bundled. it then proceeded to create
test "should get show" do
get :show
assert_response :success
and the output from the terminal reads
Errors running test:units! #<NoMethodError: undefined method `' for
I need some hand holding setting up the directory now. what to test, and
how to write tests. I'm not looking just to get tests to pass ( I am)
but I'm wanting to know what the fuck I'm doing, really. None of this
half assed shit, ya know?
I suggest working right through a good tutorial such as
railstutorial.org (which is free to use online). That will show you
the basics of rails including tests.