New to Rails: Problem with adding comments to blog

Ok, so I'm following along with one of DHH's screencasts, the one where he's creating a blog. Well. along the way he decides to add comments to posts. In doing so he creates the model Comment and a table in the DB called comments. I follow all of this and also create a has_many relationship for posts with comments in the post.rb and a belongs_to relationship for comments to posts in the comments.rb.

Well, as you can see by the error and the source below, something happens when I go to add the comments to the show.rhtml.

Can anyone tell me why I'm getting this error?


Showing app/views/content/show.rhtml where line #8 raised:

undefined method `comments' for #<Post:0x3600588>

Extracted source (around line #8):

5: 6: 7: <h2>Comments</h2> 8: <% for comment in @post.comments %> 9: <%= comment.body %> 10: <hr /> 11: <% end %>

Ok, so I'm following along with one of DHH's screencasts, the one where he's creating a blog. Well. along the way he decides to add comments to posts. In doing so he creates the model Comment and a table in the DB called comments. I follow all of this and also create a has_many relationship for posts with comments in the post.rb and a belongs_to relationship for comments to posts in the comments.rb.

The convention for naming models is to use the singular form, so "comments.rb" should instead be "comment.rb". If you named your class "Comments" it will need to be changed to "Comment".

If you're still having trouble it'd help to include the contents of post.rb and comment.rb as well

I hope this helps! Daniel

You fixed my problem - thanks a bunch.

I actually had a posts.rb that was causing the issue, but exactly as you had described it. I was using the plural version of the file name. Not the singular.

Again, I really appreciate your quick answer. Thank you, thank you, thank you.