New podcast about Learning Rails

My colleague Christopher Haupt and I have put together a podcast to help bring new users to Ruby on Rails. We're aiming at web designers and developers with limited programming experience and hope to teach them, over the course of about 10 episodes, all the key concepts and terminology they need to know to start working with Rails.

Unlike the existing Rails podcasts, this is more of a tutorial, and it's aimed at people who don't yet use Rails. There's a lot of people out there who could really benefit from using Rails but are put off by the learning curve; we hope to help them get over this hump.

If you're new to Rails, check out the podcast at and let me know if you found it helpful. You can also find it on iTunes; just search for "Learning Rails". The first episode is about 25 minutes.

I'd like to know if there are spots where people are getting lost or confused. We're working on the second episode now, and it will be out early next week.

For those of you who are already comfortable developing with Rails, you probably won't find much of value in the podcast, but if you get a chance to check it out and let me know how we're doing, that would be great. If you have friends who keep asking about what this Rails thing is, here's something you can point them to. (Christopher and I are also working on another project,, that will be a more advanced resource for Rails developers.)

I'd appreciate anything you can do to help spread the word. If you're involved in a web developer community, perhaps you could let them know about the podcast.


Michael Slater