The Net::HTTP class has a post_form method. However, if I create an instance of that class (e.g.,'url',port), I can't seem to access the post_form method of the instance. (I would expect that I would be able to access 'my_instance.post_form'). Can anyone please tell me what I am missing? Thanks for any input.

        ... doug


The Net::HTTP class has a post_form method. However, if I create an instance of that class (e.g.,‘url’,port), I can’t seem to access the post_form method of the instance. (I would

expect that I would be able to access ‘my_instance.post_form’). Can anyone please tell me what I am missing? Thanks for any input.


=> [“post”, “post2”, “request_post”, “enable_post_connection_check”, “enable_post_connection_check=”]

Net::HTTP.methods.grep(/post/) => [“post_form”]

Which means that post_form is not an instance method of Net::HTTP but a class method. However, there is an instace method Net::HTTP#post, which may be what you’re looking for.

Regards, Michael Guterl