Nested models, mass assignment problem.

Thank you in advance.

I am trying to use mass assignment for nested models in my view. The first nested level works (thanks to a Railscast).

i.e. Driver.cars_attributes=>[{no=>...},{make=>...}] works but the second level don't. I am trying to have, Driver.cars_attribute=>[{...}, {...},{photo_attributes=>[{uploaded_data=>'...'}]}].

Right now photo_attributes is empty when the form is submitted (i.e. "photo_attributes=>).

Parameters: {"commit"=>"Create", "authenticity_token"=>"e81dcdc38c224a032de31fa005afbe32", "action"=>"create", "controller"=>"drivers", "driver"=>{"occupation"=>"Gamer", "biography"=>"", "car_attributes"=>[{"number"=>"5", "make"=>"Kong", "photo_attributes"=>, "model"=>"Buster"}], "nickname"=>"JRTong", "birthdate(1i)"=>"1960", "birthdate(2i)"=>"3", "birthdate(3i)"=>"18", "sponsors"=>"Ford", "first_name"=>"Jackson", "last_name"=>"Tong", "location"=>"PJ, Selangor", "division_ids"=>["2"]}}

My car partial:

  form_for (@driver)   ...   <% fields_for "driver[car_attributes]", car do |car_form| %>   <tr>     <td><%= car_form.text_field :number, :class=>'no' %></td>     <td><%= car_form.text_field :make %></td>     <td><%= car_form.text_field :model %></td>   </tr>   <% end %>   <tr>     <th>Photo: </th>     <td><%= file_field_tag "driver[car_attributes][photo_attributes] ", :size=>17 %></td>   </tr>


  # Virtual attributes for child model Car   def car_attributes=(car_attributes)      car_attributes.each do |attributes|      end   end


  # Virtual attribute for child model Photo (for mass-assignment)   def photo_attributes=(photo_attributes)      photo_attributes.each do |attributes|      end   end

  def new     @title = "New Driver"     @driver = do |car|     end

    respond_to do |format|       format.html # new.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @driver }     end   end

view/drivers/new ...       <tr>         <th><label for="cars">Cars: </label></th>         <td>           <fieldset id="cars" class="sub_form">             <legend>Enter car details</legend>               <%= render :partial => 'car', :collection => %>           </fieldset>           <%= add_car_link "Insert a car" %>         </td>       </tr> ...

I will really appreciate your help.