Nested models in a form


I’m trying to work with nested models in a form view and it’s not going so smoothly. A user has many lawyers and a lawyer can take many services. I want a checkbox on which the user can select the services of each lawyer. How can I do it? This is what I’ve got so far:

<%= form_for @user do |f| %>

<%= f.label :email %><%= f.email_field :email %>


<% @user.lawyers.each do |lawyer| %>

<%= f.fields_for :lawyers, lawyer do |lf| %>

<%= lf.label :name, "Nome: " %><%= lf.text_field :name %>

<!-- Everything is working fine so far. However, I can get this to work. A lawyer can have many services: -->

<% Service.all.each do |service| %>

<%= check_box_tag ???,, %>

<% end %>

<% end %>

<% end %>

<% end %>

I have found out that user[lawyers_attributes][0][service_ids] works for the first lawyer (I update 0 to 1 for the second and so on). However, that seems rather ugly. Is thera a way to extract the path user[lawyers_attributes][0] from lf object?

Let me send you another post the intention of documenting this issue for people from the future. The solution I’m going with for now is: substituting “???” for lf.object_name+“[service_ids]”. It may not be too pretty, but it works (don’t forget setting :service_ids in attr_accessible and accept_nested_attributes_for :services).

Let me send you another post the intention of documenting this issue for people from the future. The solution I'm going with for now is: substituting "???" for lf.object_name+"[service_ids]". It may not be too pretty, but it works (don't forget setting :service_ids in attr_accessible and accept_nested_attributes_for :services).

just a reminder that you may want to test your solution for creating new records and for editing existing ones if you're using the same partial/template for both pages (although I think it looks like it's going to work except for the scenario that you try to edit and remove all services for a particular lawyer). also, you don't need accepts_nested_attributes_for :services if you are using service_ids.