nested forms with select lists

I'd like to use a drop down select field to add multiple categories to my model (has_many relationship) using nested forms in Rails 2.3.2. I can get it to work fine with straight text fields, but no matter what I do with select elements I always end up with "undefined method `merge' for #<Array:0x2246420>"

Does anyone have a working example of using nested forms with select?

Thank you

Can you possibly post some sample code so that we can see how your select lists are defined and how your controller is attaching the categories to your object? It might be a fairly easy fix to point out.


Thanks. Somewhat edited, it basically looks like this.


class Cpicture < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :historicsite   has_many :tags, :dependent => :destroy   accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags, :allow_destroy => true,   :reject_if => proc { |attrs| attrs.all? { |k, v| v.blank? }} end

VIEW: part of edit.html.erb <% cpform.fields_for :tags do |tag_form| %>   <%='tag', 'tag_group', [["value_1","value1"], ["value_2","value2"], ["value_3","value3"]]) %>   <%='tag', 'tag_name', [["value_1","value1"], ["value_2","value2"], ["value_3","value3"]]) %>

  <% unless tag_form.object.nil? || tag_form.object.new_record? %>       <%= tag_form.label '_delete', 'Remove:' %>         <%= tag_form.check_box '_delete' %>   <% end %> <% end %>


  def edit     @cpicture = Cpicture.find(params[:id])     2.times {}   end

  def update     @cpicture = Cpicture.find(params[:id])     if @cpicture.update_attributes(params[:cpicture])       flash[:notice] = 'Cpicture was successfully updated.'       redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @cpicture     else       render :action => 'edit'     end   end