nested comments system

Hi everybody! Since there`s not much documentation for awasome_nested_set , acts_as_commentable etc , i`m trying to build the nested comments in easy way :

event.rb .. has_many :comments ..

comment.rb .. belongs_to :event ..

the following method saves the comment:

def post_comment      @comment =     "event_id" => flash[:event_id], # yes, i store it in flash    "created_at" =>,    "comment" => params[:comment]['comment'],     "commenter" => current_user.login      )      if      ....

what i want to do is add "parent_id" column to comments table, add "parent_id =>..." to post_comment. Then display a 'Reply' link under each comment. The problem is i have no idea how to pass parent_id while replying comment

the comments are displayed by the partial : <ul>   <div id="comment-list">    <li><%=comment.commenter.capitalize%> says: <br><%= h comment.comment %>    <div style="color: #999; font-size: 8pt">        Posted <%= comment.created_at.strftime("%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p") %><br/>      <%= link_to 'Reply', "something"%>     </div>    </li> </div> </ul>

I added some comments with parent_id manually to comments table, now i need the way to change my partial to display all the child comment for each parent comment.

i would really appreciate any suggestions/ideas . Thanks!

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:

Vlad Khomich wrote:

Hi everybody! Since there`s not much documentation for awasome_nested_set , acts_as_commentable etc , i`m trying to build the nested comments in easy way :

Bad idea. Go with awesome_nested_set . I don't know why people keep saying it's poorly documented -- although the Github pages don't say much, the rdoc is very clear.

Best, -- Marnen Laibow-Koser

i would really love to try it, but the rake documentation doesn`t say much to me.. i fear i`m too newb for it.