Need to reset and retain value in text_field

Hi, I have a form with a text_field in one of my views in RAILS. I need to:

1. put a 'reset' button so that I can clear (set to blank) the text_field when the user clicks on the button


2. retain value in text_field: I have a 'search' button that performs search (not Ajax livesearch... it's a simple search and I wrote the code in my controller). Now, when the user puts some text (query) in the text_field and clicks on 'search', the results are shown ok, but I need to retain the text in the text-field that the user put in. Also I need to set the focus to this text_field after the results are shown.

The relevant code in the view is:   <%= start_form_tag :action => 'search'%>     <%= text_field :server, :server_name, :size => 15 %>     <%= submit_tag 'Search' %>   <%= end_form_tag %>   <%= set_focus_to_id 'server_server_name' %>

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Arif

Hi, I have a form with a text_field in one of my views in RAILS. I need to:

1. put a 'reset' button so that I can clear (set to blank) the text_field when the user clicks on the button

<% form_tag(site_search_path, {:name => 'search_form'}) do -%> <%= text_field_tag('search_string', @search_string) %> <%= submit_tag('Search') %> <%= submit_tag("Reset Form", :onclick => "document.search_form.reset();" ) %> <% end %>

the above will display a "Reset Form" button which will reset all the field values in your form.

2. retain value in text_field: I have a 'search' button that performs search (not Ajax livesearch... it's a simple search and I wrote the code in my controller). Now, when the user puts some text (query) in the text_field and clicks on 'search', the results are shown ok, but I need to retain the text in the text-field that the user put in. Also I need to set the focus to this text_field after the results are shown.

you'll have to store the search params in an ivar in your controller, and then repopulate them into the search form using text_field_tag like I did above with "text_field_tag('search_string', @search_string)" which will fill in the text field with whatever value is stored in @search_string.

The relevant code in the view is:   <%= start_form_tag :action => 'search'%>     <%= text_field :server, :server_name, :size => 15 %>     <%= submit_tag 'Search' %>   <%= end_form_tag %>   <%= set_focus_to_id 'server_server_name' %>

don't use start_form_tag or end_form_tag, they've been deprecated.
