Need help with radio buttons.. Never seen this before

I have a list of people from a render partial. Each person has a field called hoh. This is for head of household, and shows which person in the house that mail should be addressed to. I have seen lists of radio button pointing to the same variable that will only allow one button to be selected at a time to show the value the variable is/will be.

What I want to do is to have a list of radio buttons, each pointing to that person's hoh field with only one in the list selected at a time. I will set a name in the household model based on the value found in the person model

Can't find a way to do this with different variables referenced in the radio_button call. Please help with this or show me a different way to go.. By the way, I'm using Rails 2.3.9

Thanks Bob <>

So generate the radio button set using a common "name" attribute.

Have you read the radio_button doc? What part isn't clear?