Need anything more on #7383 ?

I submitted the patch a while back and refed it to the original ticket #3375. If I need to update this patch for any reason to get it included please let me know.

Thank you,

Joe Noon

I know I’ve been aching for this one lately.

> > > I submitted the patch a while back and refed it to the original ticket > #3375. If I need to update this patch for any reason to get it > included please let me know.

What's the rationale for having two options? Perhaps we could deprecate allow_nil and add an 'optional' argument? Or make all the validations allow blank and require validates_presence_of to prevent nil and blank inputs?

> > > > > > I submitted the patch a while back and refed it to the original ticket > > #3375. If I need to update this patch for any reason to get it > > included please let me know.

What's the rationale for having two options? Perhaps we could deprecate allow_nil and add an 'optional' argument? Or make all the validations allow blank and require validates_presence_of to prevent nil and blank inputs?

Say you want to validate the length something, as well as its presence, without throwing two error messages:

validates_presence_of :something validates_length_of :something, :is => 5, :allow_nil => true

Which doesnt work because through a form, :something is "", not nil.

Which would lead you to:

validates_presence_of :something validates_length_of :something, :is => 5,                     :if => { |r| !r.something.blank? }

Which is unecessarily ugly. Since we already have :allow_nil using the #nil? logic, I think we should have :allow_blank using the #blank? logic:

validates_presence_of :something validates_length_of :something, :is => 5, :allow_blank => true

Been a while since I've visited this issue. I've just implemented the above workaround until this patch is applied. But I'm pretty sure that explanation is how I remember the issue.
