I'm having trouble naming my join models. The tables in question are:
- stores (list of company branches / stocking locations) - items (inventory items) - items_stores (item xyz is stocked by store_id 7, their re-order point is 10, their sales price $27.50) - items_locations (store_id 7 keeps part xyz on shelf B252)
While I believe items_stores would be proper naming for a HABTM type relationship, everything I've found says to make up a new name for has_many :through join models.
I'd be willing to change any of these names if someone can suggest an elegant solution.
Another issue I am confused about is the items_locations table. The
main reason I want this is to allow one store to keep a product in
multiple locations. Technically the locations information would be
associated with items_stores, but I don't think items_stores_locations
is a good name either.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated - I've been coming back to this problem for a long time now without any real progress.
Thanks, -Mike